The Lviv Coffee Tour isn’t just about letting you taste the best coffee in Lviv. We want to bring you to the coziest cafes and connect this with telling you the best stories about the history of coffee in Lviv and Europe. That’s right, because the coffee history of Lviv is more closely connected to that of all of Europe than you might imagine.
Lviv Coffee Tour – The hottest and the best coffee in Lviv
In Lviv you can physically feel how coffee-drinking can be a real experience. We will bring you to see how the hottest coffee in Lviv is being made. You will get warm quickly when this happens. It is quite an experience. We don’t want to tell you too much beforehand, but we are sure you will like it!
And of course you will want to taste the best coffee in the city as well. All our Lviv Buddies for this tour are coffee lovers themselves and know where and how to get the best coffee. We know all the specialities that the coffee shops serve and will give you the possibility to try what sounds best for you. And the best is: If you don’t like any of the coffees, you can just leave them. After all five coffees during the tour are included in the tour price.